Cathy's Corner Tuesday, January 13 2009
Dear Reader, We’ve all been there. Had a secret crush on a guy who was already “taken”. Helped out a dear friend who was in so much trouble she didn’t know what to do. Made a hasty promise we later wished we hadn’t, but still felt honor bound to keep. All are situations that can be handled individually, without too much trouble. But what happens when all these things occur at once, when life gets very complicated and there are no easy solutions to be had? I wondered…. And that is how this story began… I took one maid of honor—Laurel McCabe. Gave her the task of protecting her very good friend. In this case, the bride. And added one very ticked-off groom, Cade Dunigan. I put them in a situation no three people should ever have to face, and then sat back to watch what they would do.